Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things I don't want to post on Facebook because Facebook creeps me out.

25 Things

1. I used to smoke, lots.
2. I LOVE the first three Star Wars (NOT the new ones)
3. I can bite my toenails if I choose to.
4. If I won the lottery I would buy a ranch and set up an animal rescue. Then I would get a boob job.
5. I have met over 30 celebrities without trying. Except when I went through that groupie/stalker phase.
6. I used to almost speak German fluently.
7. I have two mothers but I don’t have a mom.
8. I stopped dying my hair to prove to my mother in law that I am a natural blonde after she made a snotty comment to me.
9. I loved my dog more than anyone in the whole world. I miss you Molly.
10. When I was 15 on a trip to Italy my mother was offered money to sell me to some men in a white limo and she didn't say no right away.
11. I wasted 9 years of my life with loser men.
12. My highest IQ score was 142, my lowest was 129.
13. I have always hated mushrooms but am starting to come around even though it’s fungus that grows on shit.
14. In less than 14 years I will be 50. WTF?????
15. Every time I hear about someone I know getting pregnant in my mind I sing the line in the song Flagpole Sitter by Harvey Danger because I am petty:
Been around the world and found
That only stupid people are breeding
The cretins cloning and feeding
And I don't even own a tv
16. Secretly I believe that our existence might only be some kind of simulated role playing game.
17. I find Atheists just as dumb and arrogant as religious freaks.
18. Paul Gross is the best looking man in the world.
19. I like an Reo Speedwagon song.
20. I love art.
21. I have no tolerance for pain or suspense or morons.
22. I believe I have the best sense of humour in the world.
23. I am way too judgmental and am too lazy to mask my feelings.
24. Someday I will write a book.
25. I fear that I will never have a baby.

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