Thursday, April 2, 2009

Another day in another life

I went over yesterday to watch the Biggest Loser and Twilight with Wendy and Andrea, lovely civilized evening. We ordered sushi and ate chocolate chips cookies. Turns out both Wendy and Andrea already saw the movie but where completely willing to watch it a second and fourth time. Scary willing actually. I understood about 10 minutes in, Edward was so hot, almost unbearable. He makes me want to cover my bedroom walls in him image and tune out all day living in fantasy land with him. Now I am googling his image and am pretty sure my co-workers are silently judging me. I got home at 10:30 and the cats were all over me. Jim was mad at me because they missed me and says I have to play with them non-stop for an hour tonight. Doesn’t that sound awful?

I just had another meeting for the Pricing Coordinator job. I feel a humongous sense of outrage that they do not just offer me the job, instead just stringing me along. Obviously this is how it works in the rest of the world; I don’t know how those people do it. He told me that there were two other people in the running, those better be the same two people that I know about that are kind of dumb, well, one’s dumb and one I don’t know but whatever. I am waiting to email Tammy to see what she says. Oh wait, she just emailed to ask how it went. Doesn’t she know I need insider info?

During the interview Imraan used the term “Baptism by Fire” and I was sitting there thinking, that has to be “Baptism by Drowning, what a moron” but turns out I am the moron, thanks Wikipedia for that.

I got my period 5 days early but apparently that will not deter my IVF process. So far, besides triggering Flo, these Estrogen patches aren’t so bad. But I am really having trouble wrapping my head around how this is going to work with my cycle starting 5 days early. I’m pretty calm about the impending onslaught of hormones that I will be injecting myself with, ooh the calm before the storm. Poor everyone that will be anywhere near me.

I could really use a good dump right now. This Salba Chai seed stuff I am taking is pretty darn good at keeping me regular. Let’s see how it goes with the hormones next week. The only drawback is that I have to have a crap at work. I walked into the can this morning and smelled “Just a Drop” and it made me happy. Now would be a good time to have some of that.

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